Latest updates

Grant Round 8

  • Application window: Closed
  • Outcomes communicated: 15 May 2024
  • Grantees complete activities: 1 July – 30 December 2024

Grant Round 9

  • Application window: Closed
  • Outcomes communicated: 2 December 2024
  • Grantees complete activities: 1 January – 30 June 2025

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    About SRSA


    You must work in rural Australia (Modified Monash 2-7) as either:

    • A (non-GP) specialist
    • An Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander specialist trainee; or
    • A specialist international medical graduate under assessment

    CPD activities must be completed in Australia or New Zealand within the grant round timeframe.


    Applications are assessed by initial ranking and a selection panel, which preferences:

    • Applicants who practice in more remote settings
    • Applicants whose CPD activity will contribute to their community and learning goals
    • CPD activities that are more interactive e.g., clinical attachments, mentorships, peer review, workshops and practical courses
    • Applications from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander specialists or specialist trainees


    SRSA offers two funding rounds per year:

    • Applications are accepted from March – April for CPD activities taking place between July – December
    • Applications are accepted from September – October for CPD activities taking place between January – June in the subsequent year
    • If successful, you will receive your grant prior to the start of your activity



    What is the maximum amount I can apply for per Funding Round?

    Grants are available up to $12,000 per person, per round.

    Can I apply for multiple CPD activities in the same Funding Round?

    No. Grant funds cannot be split between multiple activities unless they are directly related (e.g., a workshop held in conjunction with a conference). Applications for multiple activities will not be considered.

    Can I apply for a CPD activity / event overseas?

    CPD activities can only be completed in Australia or New Zealand.

    Can I apply for a CPD activity retrospectively?

    Unfortunately, no. All CPD activities must be requested prospectively and completed within the 6-month activity window.

    How can I increase my chances of securing a CPD grant?

    To increase your chances:

    • Apply for more active learning, such as a clinical placement or peer review
    • Make the benefits of the CPD activity to your learning goals and the community/ies you serve clear

    Requests for SRSA grants often exceed available the funding available. If you miss out, please re-apply during the next round. Two funding rounds are offered per year.

    When would I receive the funds?

    Successful applicants will receive their grant funds within six weeks of accepting SRSA’s letter of offer.

    What happens if I am no longer able to attend my approved CPD activity?

    If you have any difficulties attending your CPD activity please contact us. You may be able to propose an alternative activity.

    What happens after I complete my CPD activity?

    You are required to submit the following to SRSA within one month of attending your CPD activity:

    • Evidence of completion (e.g., certificate)
    • Financial declaration